Saturday 12 May 2012

Aaarrrgghhh!!! I just need to be more selfish!!

I have decided that there is an enormous amount of guilt associated with being a wife and mother.  The constant worry of "Am I spending enough time with my child?"....GUILTY, "  "Am I giving my husband enough attention?"....GUILTY, "How do I work full time and keep up with the housework?...I don't"....GUILTY.  There seems to be a never-ending stream of media images implying that as women we can have it all and do it all. 
Well you know what, I DON'T WANT TO DO IT ALL!!!  All I really want to do is feel satisfied in my career, live a happy life and teach my son that love and kindness to others is essential in this life.
I had a 'lightbulb' moment last week, you know, one of those moments when the lightbulb flashes above your head....and you just get it.  It had been an extremely stressful week at work, we got home late most nights, rushed around to get dinner and bathing done so that bedtime was not too late, and to top it all off, work rang on the weekend to see if I could come in!!!
In my stressed out state, just after this phone call my son decided he would initiate the following conversation:
B: Mum, adults forget lots of things don't they?
GREAT! I thought, he is going to choose right this very moment to remind of something vitally important that I had forgotten this week!!!
Me: Well, anyone can forget things honey.
B: Yes, but adults really forget things a lot.
Me: I guess so (insert guilty look on my face)
B: Yes, they do (nodding his head to himself)'s because they need to make more room in their brain.
I looked at him for a moment...and then burst out laughing!!! I thought, how wonderful to be reminded of a child's very simplistic and literal take on things.  My laughter could have very quickly turned into tears at that moment, so I grabbed my beautiful boy, hugged him and told him how precious he is to me.  The sound of his laughter lifted my mood significantly, and at that moment in time...the guilt ebbed away.
So, my lesson last week....let go of the guilt and live in the moment.  Because it is the moments in which we are mindful, that create such meaning in our lives.   XXX

Saturday 5 May 2012

Our son Ben is what people describe as 'an old soul'.  From the minute he was born it seemed as though he had been here before....his furrowed brow reminds me of a wise old man, contemplating the world's great mysteries.  Ever since he could talk, Ben has been able to engage in the most amazing conversations.  We often have to remind ourselves that he is just a little boy and that adult conversation is not always appropriate.  We drive the 20 min trip from home to town at least 10 times/week, that's a total of 200 mins mum/son time...and it is during this time that the conversations we have are the THE BEST!!! This blog is a way for me to record these special times.