Tuesday 27 August 2013

A little bit of medication.....and a lot of magic!

Our beautiful, bright, funny boy was struggling....really struggling.  He was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 6, but we decided to hold off on medication and see if a change in diet and some behaviour management would help him through his school days.
Despite our best efforts, Ben was getting into trouble at school most days and was very disruptive in the classroom.  Then in July this year 2 significant events occurred....I went overseas for 4 weeks (Paul &  Ben stayed home), and Paul's mum (Ben's beloved Grandma) died.
In the first 3 weeks of term 3 Ben had 2 suspensions and 2 behaviour cards! Our boy was desperately unhappy. Now the death of a family member is hard enough to deal with, but when you are 7, your mum is away and you have ADHA....well at some point something has to give...and it did!
After a meeting with Ben's teachers I decided to take him back to the paediatrician and see if medication was the answer.  The doctor agreed that it was time to try a low dose of Ritalin.  I was nervous, wondering if we were doing the right thing.
The first day at school (on medication) Ben excitedly told me that he got to choose a sticker for the excellent work he had done that day! Wow, what a breakthrough....dare I hope that this was really the answer to our prayers?
I waited patiently for the week to end, each day anxious that the phone would ring, or a note would be sent home from school detailing Ben's unacceptable,behaviour that day....but neither came!
Today, I received a text from Ben's teacher....just to tell me what amazing work he had done today, there was even a note in his book...he even got to show his work to the principal and received an extra sticker for his efforts.   For the first time in a long time our boy was coming home from school happy and carefree...just as all little boys should!
The change in Ben's behaviour made such an impression that a girl in his class went home and told her mum what amazing work he had done today!
To say that we are proud of our boy is an understatement....we are ecstatic!
That tiny little white pill has provided Ben with a very special kind of magic.....and we are so incredibly grateful!